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Wonderfully Made

Sep 25, 2017

Meet the Founder of Tribe Alive || Carly Burson is the CEO and Founder of lifestyle brand Tribe Alive, a marketplace for gorgeous jewelry, accessories, and, most recently, apparel, all of which is made by female artisans from Guatemala, Haiti, India, Honduras, and beyond. Tribe Alive was born from a desire to provide...

Sep 18, 2017

Finding Balance: Eat Well, Live Well || Allie interviews Constance Rhodes, founder and CEO of FINDINGbalance, a Christian nonprofit helping people find freedom from eating and body image issues. She is the author of Life Inside The Thin Cage: A Personal Look Into the Hidden World of the Chronic Dieter and is a...

Sep 5, 2017

The Arise Box, A New Way Consumers Can Make a Difference || We’re back from our summer break! Today we’re talking with Cassidy Perry, who believes that everyone can make a positive difference in the world in either big or small ways. Because of that belief, she created and launched The Arise Box, an ethical...